Implementing Fast Global Illumination using Skyboxes

Based on Ramamoorthi & Hanrahan's 2001 paper An Efficiant Representation for Irradiance Enviornment Maps,​ I implemeted a global diffuse illimination model inside openGL. This produces a runtime diffuse lighting on any model based purely on the normal vector of the surface.


Ravi Ramamoorthi and Pat Hanrahan addressed an important problem of the time related to global illumination; through observations about diffuse lighting they came up with a model where the irradiance of a surface point is based purely on the point normal and a set of spherical harmonic coefficients. This greatly reduces both time and data needed to store this lighting as its does not require textures to save the illumination, and needs only one pass over the environment map′s pixels. To the left is an example from the paper of the coloration from each spherical harmonic mode.